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Category: About the Artist

Stacy’s Picks – Conway’s Game of Life

Conway’s Game of Life “…one of the most fascinating aspects of The Game of Life is how it produces repeating patterns and patterns that move across the plane (referred to as gliders and spaceships). But with modern-day computers, we can process these steps effortlessly and see them before us near-instantaneously! As if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, how about wrapping yourContinue readingStacy’s Picks – Conway’s Game of Life

Apophysis Tutorial – Republished

Welcome DeviantARTists! Republishing this again due to popular demand. Keep in mind that Apophysis has been updated several times over the past 6 years, some of this may not be applicable to new versions, especially the rendering specs. Happy exploring! Apophysis Tutorial – PDF To download the script that is mentioned in the tutorial, click AddRepetitionSymm Also of note, I’veContinue readingApophysis Tutorial – Republished

Secret ArtWorks

2011 Preview | Secret ArtWorks I can’t tell you which pieces are mine (it’s a secret!) but I can tell you that 5 of my submissions are on display over at Secret ArtWorks 2011 Preview online. Locals can check them out in person next week at the Westin!

Article – Tucows invites you to join the Ting beta Ting is a new way of doing business in the mobile space. The newest division of Tucows aims to simplify mobile. Basically, Ting users pay for what they use. They aren’t penalized for going over, their plan just makes the jump to the next service level without any overage charges. The kicker is this: If a Ting user usesContinue readingArticle – Tucows invites you to join the Ting beta

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