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Author: Stacy Reed

The American View – Ron Paul Interview

Interesting conversation between presidential candidate Ron Paul and a self-proclaimed recovering-ex-Republican (who still maintains far-right conservative views, at least in my opinion). I walk away from this with the realization that Christians do not feel they need to follow the laws of the land if they contradict the laws of God. Of note, John Lofton remarks that those who don’tContinue readingThe American View – Ron Paul Interview

Native American Spirituality: Freedom Denied

Bet ya’ll didn’t know that Native Americans weren’t given the right to religious freedom until the year 1978. You heard that right. 19frakin78. This excerpt was taken from Blood Quantum: Native America’s Dirty Little Secret provided by the Manataka American Indian Council: “Freedom of expression is undeniably guaranteed both as a First Amendment issue and under specific federal statutes, regulationsContinue readingNative American Spirituality: Freedom Denied

Topeka, Kansas City Council Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence To Save Money

via ThinkProgress Want my opinion? They should consider fining people for non-violent crimes rather than incarcerate them. Decriminalizing domestic violence? I’m outraged! Over the last 20 years, 77% of the prison population were non-violent offenders with no history of violence, according to the United States Justice Department. One-third are first-time, non-violent offenders. If this doesn’t scream drug law reform, IContinue readingTopeka, Kansas City Council Considers Decriminalizing Domestic Violence To Save Money

Westboro to Picket Steve Jobs’ Funeral Westboro has announced that they will picket Steve Jobs’ funeral. I wish I could say I was surprised by this. I’m saddened that their insane view of the world will be forcefully imposed upon the grieving. They revel in the public’s disdain for them, so any attempt society makes to shame them into acting humanely is a lost cause.

Drug Wars: 35 bodies dumped from the back of trucks during rush hour Barbaric. “A banner roughly reading “This will happen to all the Zeta shit that stay in Veracruz, the plaza has a new owner…G.N. (Gente Nueva). Here is el ferras and his royal court” was hung above the executed bodies of 23 males and 12 females that were dumped from the back of two flatbed pickup trucks yesterday during rushContinue readingDrug Wars: 35 bodies dumped from the back of trucks during rush hour

Michael S. Hart (1947-2011): The founder of Project Gutenberg ‎”For the first time in the entire history of the Earth, we have the ability for EVERYONE to get copies of EVERYTHING as long as it can be digitized and communicated to all of the people on the Earth, via computers [and the devices a person might need to make a PHYSICAL, rather than VIRTUAL copy of whatever itContinue readingMichael S. Hart (1947-2011): The founder of Project Gutenberg

Article – Tucows invites you to join the Ting beta Ting is a new way of doing business in the mobile space. The newest division of Tucows aims to simplify mobile. Basically, Ting users pay for what they use. They aren’t penalized for going over, their plan just makes the jump to the next service level without any overage charges. The kicker is this: If a Ting user usesContinue readingArticle – Tucows invites you to join the Ting beta

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