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Tag: Games

Game of Thrones – The Five Stages of Grief

The Twitterverse is experiencing the Five Stages of Grief with the recent loss of a favorite Game of Thrones character, Jon Snow. These happened to be in consecutive order in my Twitter feed: Denial Nooooo! No, no-n-n-no. No. #denial #GameofThrones — Stacy Reed (@dreamsindigital) June 15, 2015 Anger Ok THATS IT just wait till Sam gets back &finds outContinue readingGame of Thrones – The Five Stages of Grief

Stacy’s Picks – Conway’s Game of Life

Conway’s Game of Life “…one of the most fascinating aspects of The Game of Life is how it produces repeating patterns and patterns that move across the plane (referred to as gliders and spaceships). But with modern-day computers, we can process these steps effortlessly and see them before us near-instantaneously! As if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, how about wrapping yourContinue readingStacy’s Picks – Conway’s Game of Life

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