http://www.localcensus.com/ Free statistical information about the United States of America and all of its cities, zip codes, and counties.
Exploring the Infinite
http://www.localcensus.com/ Free statistical information about the United States of America and all of its cities, zip codes, and counties.
http://asimplecode.com/ The Dude abides.
http://techdirt.com/articles/20080414/185111844.shtml Ticketmaster is widely considered one of the more hated companies in America, so it made a few people scratch their heads when they saw that Ticketmaster was near the top of the list in terms of the number of “fans” it had on Facebook. Valleywag points to an enterprising blogger who checked out who those fans were and noticed
http://techdirt.com/articles/20080404/103308752.shtml The comments and conversation here are tops. Thanks for a great article, Mike.
http://www.google.com/talk/labsedition/index.html Google’s updated chat client sends you desktop notifications from your calendar, Gmail and Orkut accounts.
On this, the 4th of April in the year 2008, I vow to you, my readers, that I will never post a “review” in exchange for payment. I will never fake enthusiasm nor accept advertising links from sites or products I do not stand behind. My integrity as a writer and the authenticity of this blog will not be compromised
http://donewaiting.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22794 This is hilarious… You don’t have to read the whole 50+ paragraph rant to find the humor in this thread. Lemme summarize it for you – Guy’s having a hard time finding a place to play his electronic music, then he gets a call letting him know that he’s no longer welcome at the one place he has been
http://tedmosbyisajerk.com/ This is from the great television series, How I Met Your Mother. The song is worth listening to all the way through because it’s actually super funny in context to the show, where the character Barney has a stalker ex-hookup and has to try to figure out who it might be out of all the girls he has done
http://payperpost.com/blogger_signup.html Here’s a great idea! How about you litter your blog with advertisements for merely a few bucks. C’mon people, don’t fall into this trap. Review what you think worthy of review and do so honestly, without being bought so cheaply.
http://www.tucows.com/article/2093 This week’s mashup includes dozens of links to the hottest sites and services available on the Web, from blogs and media to news, software, and games!
http://i-want-a-better.com/ I want a better… … toothbrush holder. Why do all the standard toothbrush holders have holes that are too small for the giant handled toothbrushes on the market these days?
Vote now! The polls close on March 31st.
http://www.paulvanroekel.nl/picasa/tiltviewer/index.asp Neato!
wikiHow/a> – Well-written article about how to answer that sensitive question during an interview or evaluation.