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Thanks for the review, Viepoints
Exploring the Infinite
Thanks for the review, Viepoints Moontown Cafe hosts a monthly poetry contest. You can win $25 but your poem has to be 24 lines or less. OK, I went back and read it again today… Someone is hacking his page. They really need to limit revisions on entries for presidential candidates. I’ll give him some slack in that he may have had a change of heart in the last few years and is no longer Republican but more Libertarian. I can’t say that I’m a sufferer of this affliction, because although it happens to me quite often, it is titillating and makes one feel very much alive. From the page: Stendhal syndrome, Stendhal’s syndrome, hyperkulturemia, or Florence syndrome is a psychosomatic illness that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to Hooray for librarians!
Sprout is an amazingly customizable and free widget creator. This one was super easy to make and publish on iGoogle. I was curious if it would actually show up in a blog post. This is just a test. Update: It looks like it has lost the thumbnails for the second and third pages, though they are all there on the
Orbit Trap I’m excited to learn that my blog and fractal artwork received such a glowing review from the folks at Orbit Trap… thanks guys. I’m honored! (You should see the shape my desk is in as I type this.) worst. game. ever. It’s not fun. It’s a commercial. A commercial that reminds me of a daily chore I don’t enjoy. This isn’t entertainment. It’s just like real life – the laundry never ends. Sorry to have to thumb this down, but I don’t subscribe to this point of view. I feel there are times when a person’s anger and outrage are justified. Repeating some mantra in your head about sending good blessings is crap.
MOAR MOBA! She’s collecting material for a book called Tattoos for Two about tatts with shared meaning – a really neat idea. CNBC news anchor Maria Bartiromo interviewed Google CEO Eric Schmidt on Tuesday and discussed a wide range of topics, from MicroHoo to advertising on YouTube, mobile and Googlephobia Who really gives a crap? This is just another “social network” feeding into the completely-unjustifiable-border-lining-obscene obsession many Americans have with the consumption of goods and keeping up with the Jones. Ya’ll be good little consumer monkeys now and your friends will envy you and life will be just grand. If you can afford that much coffee, you can afford to get yourself a home internet connection. Stay home, You’ll get a lot more accomplished. Now that’s common sense. Stereotypical crapola.