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Tag: Tech


I love this site and everything in it. – I've blogged about the Interactive Waterfall before, but this time, I was particularly taken by the simplicity of Charles Forman's statement, “the tools that the artist uses are always the least important part of their creative process.” Charles uses processing to make his art interactive and magical. You can seeContinue readingSetpixel

The ENBW Spam Recycler

Suddenly, my spam doesn't seem so useless anymore now that I've been recycling it into artwork with the ENBW Spam Recycler! (That was my best commercial lady impersonation. This is why I didn't go into advertising.) Last time I checked, I had 1054 spam messages that I haven't cleared from my Gmail account this week. That would make a wholehellovalottaContinue readingThe ENBW Spam Recycler

LED Throwies

From Graffiti Research Lab comes an innovative way to make a statement… LED Throwies. These are tiny LED lights connected to a small battery and magnet. What a way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. “The goal of the G.R.L. is to technologically empower individuals to creatively alter and reclaim their surroundings from corporate visual cultureContinue readingLED Throwies An interesting article about why Web 2.0 matters to your business.

Security Holes in Photoshop and AIM

According to a recent report by researches from Princeton, some popular applications such as AIM and Photoshop cause security problems once they are installed because they make changes to the operating system that can allow attackers to bypass Windows security mechanisms. PCWorld reports that hackers are targeting software programs because of the growing number of security flaws found in themContinue readingSecurity Holes in Photoshop and AIM

Hotlinking 101

So you’ve got your spankin’ new blog and you want to spruce it up with some cool artwork you found online. You copy the image’s URL and paste it into your code as your background image. It looks great. Your friends think you’re groovy because your blog is stylin. A few days later, you log in to find that yourContinue readingHotlinking 101

True 3D Without the Cheesy Cardboard Glasses

LightSpace Technologies has formally introduced the world's first solid-state volumetric 3D display, a concept they've been developing since 1996. It's called the DepthCube z1024 3D Display System, a front-viewed display with Cartesian display geometry with an image volume of 15.7″ x 11.8″ x 4.0″. Sending 1,000 image slices per second, the whole display volume is refreshed 50 times a secondContinue readingTrue 3D Without the Cheesy Cardboard Glasses

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