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Tag: Software

Learned vs Learnt

A sentence on Skype’s site caused me to look into this. They say, “You don’t have to tell someone about the steps you learnt in tap class, just show them off.” I was taught that use of the word learnt is inappropriate in educated writing and speech. This is a great explanation of learned and learnt.

Clever Texting

CleverTexting is a new texting technology that predicts letters as you type, but unlike it's predecessors, it is based on the statistical nature of a language therefore, it does not require a dictionary. That means that the download is compact, and it implemented, it takes up very little space. It's also easy to install on any phone that supports java.Continue readingClever Texting

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Those of you who are close friends and family have heard me mention the video tutorials I've been doing lately for the top-secret project Tucows would be launching. Well, today is the big day! I'm proud to announce the public beta launch of the tech-tasty, download-delicious, butteriffic butterscotch! is an exciting new technology video content site aimed at technologyContinue readingCheck us out at

Greens urge end to software patents “The party has promised to investigate “the setup of free municipally owned wireless networks”. Ms Turei says the cost needs to be researched, but the Government would “almost certainly” need to supply funding.” Maybe I’m just paranoid, but this sounds rather alarming.

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