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Billboard Q&A in which Gene Simmons is a dick From the page: Billboard – But some artist like Radiohead and Trent Reznor are trying to find a new business model. G. Simmons replies – That doesn’t count. You can’t pick on one person as an exception. And that’s not a business model that works. I open a store and say “Come on in and pay whatever you want.”Continue readingBillboard Q&A in which Gene Simmons is a dick

Torture the Artist

A book publisher in Romania republished this book entitled Torture the Artist by American author, Joey Goebel. See my artwork on the cover? This package arrived today with a stack of books inside! How exciting! Read a review of the book. From the page: “Vincent Spinetti is an archetypical tortured artist. Throughout this sad comic novel, the sensitive youngContinue readingTorture the Artist

Say “Hurrah!” for Nettwerk Music Group

“Canada's biggest record label, publisher and management company is helping out a family sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)for copyright infringement. The privately-owned Nettwerk Music Group is intervening, it says, because the songs downloaded by the Gruebel family include Avril Lavigne, a Nettwerk management client. Nettwerk will fund the Gruebel's defense. “The current actions of the RIAAContinue readingSay “Hurrah!” for Nettwerk Music Group

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