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Tag: Resources

Get Organized for Back to School Five free sites that can help you keep your digital life organized when you go back to school. From class notes and schedules to gradebooks and collections, Stacy shows you how to keep it all tidy and access it remotely anywhere you have an internet connection!

Digital signatures on the web Striving toward the utopian dream of a paperless office? Did you know you can verify the authenticity of a document, sign contracts, send secure forms to your colleagues (and much more), but do so quickly, securely and most importantly, legally online? This week, Stacy introduces three online services for creating your own digital signatures.

Creating Your Own Free Cartoon Avatars Part II Stacy Reed shares five more sites where you can create free cartoon representations of your unique personality. Use these avatars to spruce up your social network profiles or to use in online forums where you’d prefer to remain anonymous. You could even make cartoon characters of all your phone contacts or chat buddies! This episode follows up on lastContinue readingCreating Your Own Free Cartoon Avatars Part II

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