http://www.localcensus.com/ Free statistical information about the United States of America and all of its cities, zip codes, and counties.
Exploring the Infinite
http://www.localcensus.com/ Free statistical information about the United States of America and all of its cities, zip codes, and counties.
http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSL1313250820080414?feedType=RSS&feedName=oddlyEnoughNews From the page: “NAPLES (Reuters) – Ballot stuffing took on a new meaning in Italy’s parliamentary election on Sunday when a man ate his ballot paper in protest at the country’s politicians.” Right on, mister.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/14/us/politics/14forum.html What I want to know is how we can expect to have true separation of church and state when we keep voting Christians into office? Religious Affiliation of U.S. Presidents
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1720697,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics I don’t know about requiring parents who homeschool to have a teaching degree, but I do understand the logic… how can you expect to give a good education to your children if you are uneducated or misinformed?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States From the page: “A 2006 CBS News Poll of 899 U.S. adults found that 82% of those surveyed believed in God, while 9% believed in “some other universal spirit or higher power,” 8% believed in neither, and 1% were unsure.” Oh, come on! 82%!? I demand a recount! Surely there must be more than 9% of us who are
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080110/od_afp/britainpoliticsreligionoffbeat From the page: Eyebrows were raised in the House of Commons on Thursday when a motion calling for the Church of England to be disestablished was listed with the number 666, symbol of the AntiChrist. Heh, got a chuckle out of this one. A number is a funny thing to be superstitious about.
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1781128 I find this disturbing.
http://www.equalrightsamendment.org/why.htm From the page: “It is necessary to have specific language in the Constitution affirming the principle of equal rights on the basis of sex because for more than two centuries, women have had to fight long and hard political battles to win rights that men (at first certain white men, eventually all men) possessed automatically because they were male.”
http://p2pnet.net/story/14045 The Gnu is helping to take on the RIAA and in the process, the RIAA’s worst nightmare is about to come true.
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1107/6892.html Just wow. Unbelievable. And to think that so many people have fought to ensure that even imbeciles such as these would have the right to cast their vote. It sickens me. “anyone who’d sell his lifelong right to vote should be deported.” Amen to that! By the way, votes for women were first seriously proposed in the United States
http://www.mpp.org/site/apps/nl/content2.asp?c=glKZLeMQIsG&b=1425757&ct=2087257 A 19 year old Florida college kid was jailed for possession of marijuana and was raped by his cell mate. “Though the two men would normally have been separated, they were grouped together because delivering marijuana and sexual battery are both considered felonies.” You know, I thought the whole point of law enforcement was to protect the non-violent from