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Tag: Nature

Fractured Universe

Fractured Universe From the page: Lahav contends that the Universe, though undeniably clumpy on the small scale, becomes smooth on the largest scales. “I like to think of it as an ocean, which looks choppy on the scale of individual waves but from far above, on scale of tens of kilometres, is perfectly smooth,” he says. Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest flower on the planet; its blossom attains a diameter of nearly a meter and can weigh up to 11 kg. The rest of the site contains interesting facts and marvels about the earth.

Physics News Update From the page: “Heartbeat and breathing cycles can become synchronized, a new study shows. Looking for patterns in the sequence of human heartbeats is a much studied subject; evidence for pattern-revealing characteristics such as chaos and fractal or spiral geometry have been sought.”

Diatom Art

Diatom are single-celled photosynthetic organisms, one of several groups of algae that biomineralize silicate. They inhabit both fresh and marine water. Deposition of the silicate creates rigid cell walls which can take on a complex variety of geometric shapes. In victorian times, hobbyists and enthusiasts would create arranged slides, microscopic pictures only a millimeter or two across, made out ofContinue readingDiatom Art

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