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Tag: Medicine

A proposal to classify happiness as a psychiatric disorder

A proposal to classify happiness as a psychiatric disorder RP Bentall Department of Clinical Psychology, Liverpool University. It is proposed that happiness be classified as a psychiatric disorder and be included in future editions of the major diagnostic manuals under the new name: major affective disorder, pleasant type. In a review of the relevant literature it is shown that happinessContinue readingA proposal to classify happiness as a psychiatric disorder Find out how much money you’ve saved and how much of your life you’ve regained when you quit smoking. So far, my husband has saved nearly 10K over the course of 3.5 years!

Physics News Update From the page: “Heartbeat and breathing cycles can become synchronized, a new study shows. Looking for patterns in the sequence of human heartbeats is a much studied subject; evidence for pattern-revealing characteristics such as chaos and fractal or spiral geometry have been sought.”

Clowns Scare Me

I'm not too proud to admit it. Clowns scare me. As a matter of fact, so do those funny mirrors. My fear of clowns dates back to when I was a child and my pediatrician had those god-awful paintings of crying clowns on the walls. Heck, even happy clowns scare me. But today I learned there's hope for people likeContinue readingClowns Scare Me

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