Crotchety Old Mrs. Fox
I used to take care of an old lady named Mrs. Fox who was 99 years old. She refused to buy an electric wheel chair. She also refused to let anyone push her around in her old wheel chair. Her legs didn’t work so much anymore so she would just inch her way around the house with slippered feet. It
Aliens Abduct Cows that Morph into Giant Robots and Stuff
Reminds me of this oldie but goody. Poor cows.
Homer Simpson Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day Parody
Gotta love this parody of Noah's YouTube Experiment in which he takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years. I'm sure you've seen this experiment done by some other people also as it seems to be a popular trend… If not, check out this one, this one, and this one. Oh yeah, and this one too. From the page: Eyebrows were raised in the House of Commons on Thursday when a motion calling for the Church of England to be disestablished was listed with the number 666, symbol of the AntiChrist. Heh, got a chuckle out of this one. A number is a funny thing to be superstitious about.
Minotaur Vs. Centaur
Have you guys seen this site yet? The question is posed to dozens of celebrities like Will Smith, Weird Al, Rob Zombie and Tiger Woods – Who would win in a fight – a minotaur armed with a trident or a centaur armed with a crossbow? It was fun to watch the video clips and hear their answers, but I
Mattias Inks – Star Wars, the baroque version <3
256th Level of Pac Man
256th Level of Pac Man From the page: There is no level 256 in Pac Man. Upon reaching this summit, the game simply breaks, and this is how it looks. For that added touch, we’ve also set the displayed score to be 3,333,360 which is the highest possible score. If you eat every dot, every ghost, and every fruit for
In Loving Memory of 16k
Hey, Hey 16k William Shatner in Commodore Vic-20 Commercial Last day of a Commodore Amiga Factory 100 Amiga Games in 10 Minutes Commodore 64 Music Tribute