Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (censored) from Funny Or Die
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (censored) – watch more funny videos She said… big words.
Exploring the Infinite
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (censored) – watch more funny videos She said… big words. *Eyeroll* you might be a lamer if you need to look up dancing instructions online “Wearing traditional choir dress, his red cape flapping in a stiff breeze…” It really does say that. This article is full of hilarity. For instance, did you know that according to the Pope, the womb is the most wondrous and sacred human space? This explains everything, sisters! The patriarchy has been holding us women down all this time because Ok, so this totally disproves my theory that Sharpton and Jackson mysteriously morphed into the same person over the course of the last decade. Hold up… did he really say he wanted to cut off his testicles? I mean, you’d think people would be more concerned over that than the unspeakable ‘N’ word. Yeesh.
Burned by his noodly appendages.
…and then deliberately crossing it! Found this over at Random Vandal