What if Barbie were a real woman? From the page: “Barbie’s body would have room for only half of a liver and only a few inches of intestines, as opposed to the usual 26 feet. The result: chronic diarrhea and death from malabsorption & malnutrition.” OK, that was funny. But seriously, if Barbie had a 39″ bust, she couldn’t fit
The Adventures of Off The Pill Anne
http://annenahm.com/?p=405 Why is it funny to read a woman’s dialogue with her Aunt Flo? I don’t know. It just is.
A Halloween Treat from Brandon Bird
http://www.brandonbird.com/halloween_treat.html More cowbell!
A Free Speech Blog: WTF Was He Doing?
http://www.eataddict.com/2008/10/wtf-was-he-doing.html what the…
Domo Arigato
Domo. Domo.
Lego Mortal Kombat