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Tag: Graffiti

Graffiti Jam Update

Delarge commented and let me know about this years Brighton Graffiti Jam that just took place and the images have been posted to the site already… lots and lots of images, over 200! It would be so cool if they did this every year. Thanks for the update guys! Related Links: Graphotism Brighton Hip Hop Festival

Graffiti Jam

Delarge has an interesting gallery of live hip hop photos, graffiti, street art and photography that will knock your socks off. Of particular interest is the gallery exhibiting images from the Brighton Hip Hop Festival & Graphotism Graffiti Jam that took place last July. Over 100 graffiti artists from all over the UK participated. They've included shots of the workContinue readingGraffiti Jam

Urban Graffiti

I don't know where my fascination with graffiti stems from, maybe it was growing up in a depressed urban area. I've seen a lot of it on the streets of Flint, Michigan. I find what people choose to say with a can of spray paint very interesting. The world is their canvas. This site,, contains 4 galleries of photosContinue readingUrban Graffiti

Graffiti Archaeology

I've always been interested in graffiti as there's been plenty of it here in Flint. I often wish I could have snapped pictures of “the block” near my old high school as it has changed over the years. The block is a wall that seems to serve no other purpose than having been unofficially designated for graffiti. Needless to say,Continue readingGraffiti Archaeology

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