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Tag: Economy


via devidsketchbook 100 Abandoned Houses by Photographer Kevin Bauman – The abandoned houses project began innocently enough roughly ten years ago. I actually began photographing abandonment in Detroit in the mid 90’s as a creative outlet, and as a way of satisfying my curiosity with the state of my home town. I had always found it to be amazing, depressing,Continue readingDetroit

No Ho Zone

This photo was taken here in Flint and posted on cloudedmaple's photostream on flickr. It was spotted on Court St. and Miller Rd. Thanks for sharing, Charon. That's classic Flint right there, ya'll. Flint, MI Group Pool From the page: “The wage gap between men and women has been stuck at 77 cents on the dollar – 72 cents for African-American women, 60 cents for Latinas.”

Cliqck Who really gives a crap? This is just another “social network” feeding into the completely-unjustifiable-border-lining-obscene obsession many Americans have with the consumption of goods and keeping up with the Jones. Ya’ll be good little consumer monkeys now and your friends will envy you and life will be just grand.

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