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Tag: Atheism

Darwinism did not cause the Holocaust

Darwinism did not cause the Holocaust. From the page: “Hitler had a lot of support in Germany. His horrible bidding was done by millions of ordinary German footsoldiers, and the great majority of them were Christians. Many were Lutheran, and many (like Hitler himself) were Roman Catholic. Very few were atheists, and whatever else Hitler was he most certainly wasContinue readingDarwinism did not cause the Holocaust The land of Lincoln eh? Atheism isn’t about “destroying” but about RESTORING truth and common sense to a world gone mad with superstitious BS.

“My father was a Freethinker, but died when I was only three years old. Wishing me to be bought up without superstition he appointed two Freethinkers as my guardians. The Courts, however, set aside his will, and had me educated in the Christian faith. I am afraid the result was disappointing, but that was not the fault of the law.Continue reading

Are we real?

I'd like to challenge you to attempt to answer, using your own words or quotes (list sources), any one of the following questions by leaving your comment below: What was the beginning? Are we alone? What's the future of the cosmos? What is the nature of reality? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 This is fascinatingContinue readingAre we real?

Resistance is futile Yeah, I’m sure many of us who were raised in Christian homes recall this book. Glad I’m not the only one to find the robotic expressionless eyes of the children disturbing. Love the commentary.

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