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Tag: Atheism

Atheist billboards vandalized in Sacramento… again “Our billboard message reaches out to those who know that people can be good without belief in a supreme being. It doesn’t say that believing in a god makes one bad. So why would the vandals act as if the belief actually had that effect? It’s a sad day when we have to witness such cavalier disregard of propertyContinue readingAtheist billboards vandalized in Sacramento… again

A Conversation With WhoIsYourCreator.Com

A Conversation With WhoIsYourCreator.Com via Unreasonable Faith From the page: “You clearly fail to understand science, and fail to educate yourself because it conflicts with what you believe. You look for and manufacture false information on the illusion or perception of disagreement in the scientific community. This demonstrates a fear of the unknown, and an unwillingness to adjust what you’veContinue readingA Conversation With WhoIsYourCreator.Com

Famous Dead Nontheists

Famous Dead Nontheists “I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in human beings.” – Pearl S. Buck, American author (1892-1973) “If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” – “Voltaire”, French author and playwright (1694-1778) “The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation.” [Treasury of Women’s Quotations]Continue readingFamous Dead Nontheists

Following atheist trend, Britons seek de-baptism From the page: “Similarly, the Italian Union of Rationalists and Agnostics (UAAR) won a legal battle over the right to file for de-baptism in 2002, according to media reports. The group’s website carries a “de-baptism” form to facilitate matters. According to UAAR secretary Raffaele Carcano, more than 60,000 of these forms have been downloaded in the past four yearsContinue readingFollowing atheist trend, Britons seek de-baptism

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