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When The Best You Can Do Is Get Fake Facebook Fans, You Know You Have A PR Problem Ticketmaster is widely considered one of the more hated companies in America, so it made a few people scratch their heads when they saw that Ticketmaster was near the top of the list in terms of the number of “fans” it had on Facebook. Valleywag points to an enterprising blogger who checked out who those fans were and noticedContinue readingWhen The Best You Can Do Is Get Fake Facebook Fans, You Know You Have A PR Problem

Berent Korfker I am deeply honored to have been asked by my friend, Berent, for permission to use some of my fractal images for the promotion of concerts and charitable events. He is a master violinist, professor, and fractal-lover.

Homer chalk giant angers pagans,,2128300,00.html The figure, representing Homer in his Y-fronts holding up a doughnut, is standing to the left of the chalk giant and his erect penis. The cartoon character was drawn on the hill slope to promote the new Simpsons film, which will be released later this month. He was painted with water-based biodegradable paint that will wash away when itContinue readingHomer chalk giant angers pagans

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