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Internet Connectivity, Flint, and the Whys?

I want to restate that Comcast is a joke. They have zero customer service, and they are overselling, and underserving their customers. I hate Comcast, and I wish that Michael Moore and his fat pathetic ass had not screwed my hometown (not his, he is a rich fat whiteboy from Suburbia) to the point that we can no longer actually have a decent infrastructure. Michael Moore, I hope you choke on the next hotdog you cram down your lying throat, and the waves of force sent out by the wallowing of your rotund mass takes out the entire Comcast management, and most especially all those running things in Michigan.
I am not surprised that Comcast does not make an effort in Flint, but to add insult to injury they charge rates that are TWICE the national average, for uptime rates in the low 60's and ping timeouts to major sites. I do not care about net neutrality, I HOPE it fails because then Google will start its own ISP, and I can be done with the morons at Comcast.
Let me show you exactly what I get in my barely better than half the time uprate; speed test result on 2006-05-19 18:04:47 EST:
679 / 369
Your download speed : 679 kbps or 84.9 KB/sec.
That is 86.2% worse than an average user on
Your upload speed : 369 kbps or 46.2 KB/sec.
That is 7% worse than an average user on

Guess what, due to the nature of both my and Sya's jobs we pay for a BETTER than normal connection that is supposed to be 8000kbps up and 768kbps down.
I realize that my hate is pointless, but living in a third world city that has not had a decent mayor since perhaps the 30's is wearing on me. Not bad enough that the average citizen in Flint is too dumb to rub sticks together, but then they vote exactly as the UAW tells them to, and we get yet more Union level leadership, and you can tell how well that is working for the UAW, aka the US AIN'T WORKING . These elected officials demand hand outs from the cable companies and place no responsibility on them. The damn shame is that thanks to the lies told by Michael Moore we will not get outside investment, we will not get a better education system, we will not have a serious hope to be anything other than a joke.
I realize this rant is all over the place, and Sya will probably want to delete it, but some things have to be said.
Why can I not find a doctor in Southeastern Michigan who can schedule an appointment in less than 2 weeks to see any patient? They all want you to go to urgent care place that stink like urine and make you wait for 4 hours before some quack who you will never see again gets to ask you personal questions? Good doctors do not practice in fly by night clinics, so I have to assume anyone that refers you to one cannot be a good doctor.
Why are all Auto Mechanics thieving punks? Trying to find an honest Mechanic is like trying to get online via Comcast, rare and very expensive.
Why is a felon allowed to hold public office? I do not care if they served their time, prisoners do not become good people, they become worse people.

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