Fractal Theory Used to Find Tumors
“Fractal theory provided the basis for a unique software platform program that has been developed for use in conjunction with MRI, and is showing great promise in the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Using this unique method, a study has shown that in over 30 percent of patients there were additional tumors in the same breast, and in
Easy to Make Science Toys
This little easy-to-make paper sculpture can be turned inside-out over and over while you watch it change colors. You can find free detailed instructions on how to fold this printout at Simon Quellon Field's site called Science Toys You Can Make With Your Kids. It was designed years ago by a bored mathematics student. The toy is called a Kaleidocycle,
Genetics Tool Inspires New Method for Dating Old Art
“A molecular biologist has borrowed a technique from genetic science to date hand-printed art. The so-called print clock method, developed by Blair Hedges of Pennsylvania State University, could help historians and collectors pinpoint when thousands of undated, hand-printed materials were created.” – Scientific American, June 21, 2006 Soooo cool!
Rare Rainbow Spotted Over Idaho
This rare type of rainbow is called a circumhorizontal arc, and it was photographed on June 3 in northern Idaho near the Washington State border. The arc spanned several hundred square miles of sky and lasted for about an hour. “It is caused by light passing through wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds. The sight occurs only when the sun is very
The Declaration of Evolution
When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutational process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological bonds which connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the species of Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a
First Synthetic Nanoscale Fractal Molecule
Scientists from the University of Akron, Ohio University and Clemson University have created and captured an image of the largest man-made fractal molecule at the nanoscale, a development which could eventually lead to the production of new types of photoelectric cells, molecular batteries and energy storage. Learn more here:
Periodic Table of Mathematicians
Food for your inner-geek: LINK
Google Mars
Google Mars is pretty neat, indeed! They provide a shaded relief map that is color-coded by altitude, It also points to mountains, canyons, dunes, plains, ridges and craters in true Google maps fashion. What's cool is that each of the pointers offers an article that tells about that particular place on Mars. Keep up the good work, Google!
Wohba!: Magnetic Liquid Weirdness You must watch the movies… so bizarre!
Johns Hopkins researchers have announced the development of a web based program that helps to simplify the steps in designing artificial DNA. GeneDesign automates the process of determining which building blocks of DNA should be linked together in a particular order to make a gene. “GeneDesign not only guides the user in designing the gene, but also automatically diagnoses design
Intelligent design cannot be made into a scientific theory without self-contradiction Intelligent design cannot be made into a scientific theory without self-contradiction. Gotta love!
The Khronos Projector
There is a deep interconnection between art, science and technology and when these worlds collide, the results can be phenominal. The Khronos Projector is a perfect example. It is an interactive art installation that allows people to visualize movie content in an entirely new way. By actually touching and deforming the screen, the user can send portions of the image
Proof that Political Extremism is Based on Ignorance
Oh my, this report makes it clear what I have been saying all along. Far left and right wing people are incapable of processing information REGARDLESS of FACT! The quote below is a quick summation, but I really encourage anyone who is able to learn (obviously our partisan fools are incapable of doing so) to READ this information. We, the
SDSS SkyServer DR4 This website presents data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a project to make a map of a large part of the universe.