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Category: Religion & Politics

The Conscious Earth: An Inconvenient Truth Squeezed from Classrooms From the article: “The producers of An Inconvenient Truth have offered to supply American classrooms with 50,000 copies of the movie free of charge. That offer has been rejected by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the nation’s leading science education teachers group, citing a risk to funding from key financial supporters. One of those supporters is Exxon-Mobil.”

Oil me up!

I wake up this morning happy with the world, my wife is gorgeous, I do not have to work today and I have a great weekend planned. The only thing that has even peeved me this morning is the reality disconnect invovled with gasoline pricing (Thanks USAToday for all the news heh). When Oil was $40 a barrel, I wasContinue readingOil me up!

Who Does Your Favorite Superhero Worship?

Ever want to know what religion your favorite superhero believes in? This website is dedicated to providing an accurate listing of the religious affiliations of fictional comic book characters. Some Top Super-Heroes: Superman – Methodist Spider-Man – Protestant Batman – Episcopalian/Catholic (lapsed) Wonder Woman – Greco-Roman Classical Religion Captain America – Protestant The Hulk – Non-Religious The Thing – JewishContinue readingWho Does Your Favorite Superhero Worship?

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers, You’re Scumbags!

Wal-Mart is the favorite store of the middle-class trash-crowd because they are easily mislead by its bait-and-switch business practices. For example, Wal-Mart has been known to set very low prices on a cheap import item predominately located at each section of the store then jack up the rest of the prices in the department to compensate. Being ignorant, the trashContinue readingAttention Wal-Mart Shoppers, You’re Scumbags!

Bush’s FY 2007 Cuts Arts Education Fund

Bush sent the fiscal year 2007 budget request to Congress yesterday and it looks grim. Becky Lewis of OMB Watch summarized, “By focusing on the budget for sacrifices, as opposed to the tax cuts, the administration makes it quite clear that they are more comfortable with taking from low- and moderate-income families than they are with taking from the super-wealthy.”Continue readingBush’s FY 2007 Cuts Arts Education Fund

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