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Category: Religion & Politics

Why From the page: “It is necessary to have specific language in the Constitution affirming the principle of equal rights on the basis of sex because for more than two centuries, women have had to fight long and hard political battles to win rights that men (at first certain white men, eventually all men) possessed automatically because they were male.”

Most at NYU say their vote has a price – Washington Square News Just wow. Unbelievable. And to think that so many people have fought to ensure that even imbeciles such as these would have the right to cast their vote. It sickens me. “anyone who’d sell his lifelong right to vote should be deported.” Amen to that! By the way, votes for women were first seriously proposed in the United StatesContinue readingMost at NYU say their vote has a price – Washington Square News A 19 year old Florida college kid was jailed for possession of marijuana and was raped by his cell mate. “Though the two men would normally have been separated, they were grouped together because delivering marijuana and sexual battery are both considered felonies.” You know, I thought the whole point of law enforcement was to protect the non-violent fromContinue reading

Life Without Faith….html From the page: “A blastocyst is a three day old embryo. It only contains about 150 cells. This is much less than the skin cells you destroy every time you scratch an itch. It contains no circulatory system, no nervous systems, no respiratory system, no heart, and no brain.” With the exception of his over-usage of quotations, I have to give this guy props for berating the ignorance of this individual while refraining from using words harsher than “ass” when referring to his person.

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