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Category: Religion & Politics

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Review I’m sick and tired of Creationists wailing about “no one listens to us!” when 78.5% of the American population identify themselves as Christian and the number of American Jews is at 6.4 million, or approximately 2.1% of the total population. So you’re telling me that over 80% of Americans believe in Creationism but no one listens to your drivel?Continue readingExpelled: No Intelligence Allowed Review

Fed up with politics, man eats vote From the page: “NAPLES (Reuters) – Ballot stuffing took on a new meaning in Italy’s parliamentary election on Sunday when a man ate his ballot paper in protest at the country’s politicians.” Right on, mister.

Homeschooling: A Growing Option in American Education From the page: “Families cite common reasons for choosing to homeschool their children, such as concern about the environment at other schools, dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at other schools, and a preference for providing religious and moral instruction not provided in traditional schools.” My thoughts on homeschooling have changed considerably since my kids were younger. Perhaps parents canContinue readingHomeschooling: A Growing Option in American Education

Criminalizing Home Schoolers,8599,1720697,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics I don’t know about requiring parents who homeschool to have a teaching degree, but I do understand the logic… how can you expect to give a good education to your children if you are uneducated or misinformed? The land of Lincoln eh? Atheism isn’t about “destroying” but about RESTORING truth and common sense to a world gone mad with superstitious BS.

Religion in the United States – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From the page: “A 2006 CBS News Poll of 899 U.S. adults found that 82% of those surveyed believed in God, while 9% believed in “some other universal spirit or higher power,” 8% believed in neither, and 1% were unsure.” Oh, come on! 82%!? I demand a recount! Surely there must be more than 9% of us who areContinue readingReligion in the United States – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From the page: Eyebrows were raised in the House of Commons on Thursday when a motion calling for the Church of England to be disestablished was listed with the number 666, symbol of the AntiChrist. Heh, got a chuckle out of this one. A number is a funny thing to be superstitious about.

“My father was a Freethinker, but died when I was only three years old. Wishing me to be bought up without superstition he appointed two Freethinkers as my guardians. The Courts, however, set aside his will, and had me educated in the Christian faith. I am afraid the result was disappointing, but that was not the fault of the law.Continue reading

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