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Category: Religion & Politics

Louisiana passes first anti-evolution “academic freedom” law Great news everyone! Now all the fundies can move to muddy Louisiana and live in an ignorant utopia where dinosaur bones only exist because Satan is trying to confuse them. Maybe if they pray hard enough and systematically remove all the gays, God will stop sending hurricanes there and it will be even dandier! From the page: The billContinue readingLouisiana passes first anti-evolution “academic freedom” law

The Abstract Factory: The only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of its subject From the page: “Moderator: We’re here today to debate the hot new topic, evolution versus Intelligent Des— (Scientist pulls out baseball bat.) Moderator: Hey, what are you doing? (Scientist breaks Intelligent Design advocate’s kneecap.) Intelligent Design advocate: YEAAARRRRGGGHHHH! YOU BROKE MY KNEECAP! Scientist: Perhaps it only appears that I broke your kneecap. Certainly, all the evidence points to theContinue readingThe Abstract Factory: The only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of its subject

How to Forgive – wikiHow Sorry to have to thumb this down, but I don’t subscribe to this point of view. I feel there are times when a person’s anger and outrage are justified. Repeating some mantra in your head about sending good blessings is crap.

Darwinism did not cause the Holocaust

Darwinism did not cause the Holocaust. From the page: “Hitler had a lot of support in Germany. His horrible bidding was done by millions of ordinary German footsoldiers, and the great majority of them were Christians. Many were Lutheran, and many (like Hitler himself) were Roman Catholic. Very few were atheists, and whatever else Hitler was he most certainly wasContinue readingDarwinism did not cause the Holocaust From the page: “The wage gap between men and women has been stuck at 77 cents on the dollar – 72 cents for African-American women, 60 cents for Latinas.”

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