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Category: Religion & Politics

Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change

The dumbing down of America, folks. From the page: AUSTIN, Tex. — After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers’ commitment to a purely secular government and presenting RepublicanContinue readingTexas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change

Tattooing One Dot for Every Casualty during Operation Iraqi Freedom

Tattooing One Dot for Every Casualty From the page: “Artist Wafaa Bilal will soon be getting a tattoo that contains 1 dot for every casualty associated with Operation Iraqi Freedom. The full-back tattoo will be applied during a 24 hour performance on March 8th in conjunction with a fundraiser aimed at collecting $1 per death towards scholarships for Americans andContinue readingTattooing One Dot for Every Casualty during Operation Iraqi Freedom

Atheist billboards vandalized in Sacramento… again “Our billboard message reaches out to those who know that people can be good without belief in a supreme being. It doesn’t say that believing in a god makes one bad. So why would the vandals act as if the belief actually had that effect? It’s a sad day when we have to witness such cavalier disregard of propertyContinue readingAtheist billboards vandalized in Sacramento… again

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