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BP Oil Spill Aftermath

BP Oil Spill Aftermath: Eyeless Shrimp, Clawless Crabs and Fish with Oozing Sores

From the page:

How bad is it?

The effect that the oil spill and its reckless cleanup has on sea life is frightening, damning and sad. Here’s a list of deformities that Al Jazeera found in its report:

*Shrimp with tumors on their heads
*Shrimp with defects on their gills and “shells missing around their gills and head”
*Shrimp without eyes
*Shrimp with babies still attached to them
*Eyeless fish
*Fish without eye-sockets
*Fish without covers on their gills
*Fish with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills
*Crates of blue crabs, all of which were lacking at least one claw
*Crabs with holes in their shells
*Crabs with shells that have no spikes or claws or misshapen claws
*Crabs that are dying from within

The fishermen, scientists, and seafood processors who talked to Al Jazeera are all in unison: They’ve never seen this before. Some have worked in and around the Gulf for over 20 years, and most have seen thousands and thousands of fish. This is the first time they’re seeing the mass mutation and destruction of seafood.

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