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Author: Stacy Reed

The Green Police I’m calling bullshit on this. As someone who has lived in Flint over 20 years, who’s husband, mother, and close friends work/worked for the City of Flint, who was involved with underground papers exposing underhanded politicians in Flint, who supported the recalls of the last two mayors, who has witnessed the layoffs of over half of the Police/Fire/911 employees,Continue readingThe Green Police

Honorary Members of Librarian Chick’s Educational Resource Library

Librarian Chick Members For the rest of the day today and tomorrow, if you become a member of the library of educational resources over at, you will receive the gift of a HumbleBundle Double Pack! That’s 11 games, for Windows, Linux or Mac. You’ll also get free advertising for your site or business on Librarian Chick. You’ll also getContinue readingHonorary Members of Librarian Chick’s Educational Resource Library

Know Your Rights – USA Check Point Harrassment

Know your rights. The constitution protects you from unreasonable search and seizure. You have the freedom to move about within the US without ID or proof of citizenship, un-harassed, assaulted or molested by the government. You also have the freedom of speech that allows you to share the infringements of your rights on the Internet! Are you watching and listening,Continue readingKnow Your Rights – USA Check Point Harrassment

We met Tucows’ matching challenge! Thank you! Woot! “A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated in the past two days and had your gift doubled by Tucows! We are thrilled to announce that we met their generous gift and your $10,000 in donations has now become $20,000 thanks to their generosity. What a wonderful birthday week for CC! Tucows is a company that started offeringContinue readingWe met Tucows’ matching challenge! Thank you!

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