Aaron Nagel
Exploring the Infinite
From the page: Q. What would you say to other organizations that are considering transparency as a strategic initiative? A. The days of hiding are over. You now have a choice of whether you want to tell the story or have others misrepresent the story on your behalf. It seems scary to admit you have problems but you gain so
Hard to believe it’s a cake!
http://www.butterscotch.com/show/Get-Organized-For-Back-To-School Five free sites that can help you keep your digital life organized when you go back to school. From class notes and schedules to gradebooks and collections, Stacy shows you how to keep it all tidy and access it remotely anywhere you have an internet connection!
http://www.thepoliticalcarnival.net/2010/07/florida-churchs-international-burn-a-koran-day-the-day-after-no-homo-mayor-protest/ Can it be time for these laughable intolerant zealots to bugger off and let the rest of us enjoy the world in peace now pls?
http://mashable.com/2010/07/25/jane-austens-fight-club/ BORED. next pls.
http://www.resourceshelf.com/2010/07/26/resource-of-the-week-butterscotch-com/ A very nice write up about butterscotch.com and our services.
http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/07/22/super-heroes-vs-the-westboro-baptist-church/ Suck it, Phelps.
http://www.butterscotch.com/tutorial/Understanding-Lossy-And-Lossless-Image-Compression When you’re saving pictures to your hard drive or saving pictures to post online or email, you’re going to want to know about lossy vs. lossless image compression. Stacy Reed explains this important computing concept.
http://blog.rocketinbottle.com/2010/05/feedsquares-for-chrome-tutorial.html Nifty little add-on for Chrome that does perdy things to your Google Reader RSS feeds.
http://www.butterscotch.com/show/Digital-Signatures-On-The-Web Striving toward the utopian dream of a paperless office? Did you know you can verify the authenticity of a document, sign contracts, send secure forms to your colleagues (and much more), but do so quickly, securely and most importantly, legally online? This week, Stacy introduces three online services for creating your own digital signatures.
https://www.cosignet.com/cosignonline/user/index.aspx Free online service for creating and verifying digital signatures.