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hxxp:// is far from great, their interface is kludgy and they have room temp IQ admins. They manage to actually present a product that is worse than Xanga and Myspace. If you use them, you may make AOL users laugh at you.
This website has people hotlinking to images here, when I asked them to correct it ( the abuse line at their site) they told me hotlinking is legal ( it is NOT legal). Apparently they have no concept of intellectual property rights. So when their users link here I will tailor an image to specifically address their beliefs that bandwidth theft is okay, and that images do not belong to anyone. People that steal our bandwidth and the original artwork here are scum. Next time someone from this pool of losers does this, I will use a legitimate DMCA takedown notice, and let them deal with their crimes.
Now if I can just get Sya to let me use the Goatse picture these losers deserve…
I Love You!

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