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Web-Based Tools Teach Math to Students

“Troy, N.Y.— A researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has uncovered mathematics embedded in the designs of various aspects of native and contemporary culture, from traditional beadwork and basket weaving to modern hairstyles and music. Using the discovery, he’s developed a series of interactive, Web-based teaching tools that are capturing the interest – and imagination – of students in math classes across the country.” – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
All of these Web-based tools can be found complete with historical information and tutorials at Culturally Situated Design Tools, free of charge.
Love how they say this guy “uncovered and discovered” fractals and mathematics in native and contemporary designs. It's been widely known for some time now. But the site is a geat resource for folks of all ages, he even has a section on modern day graffiti. I'd like to see him do an applet for mandalas or kaleidoscopes with references to middle-eastern culture as well.

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