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Two for Tuesday – Dreaming

Throwing caution to the wind in regards to the sort of insights this might reveal about my psyche, I have been dreaming out loud on Facebook. It's an artistic experiment in which I post my dreams in digital image format. Who knows how long it'll last, but I have thousands of images on file. If I don't already have an image that evokes the spirit of my dream, I snap a picture or I scan a little sketch.
The project has been a lot of fun, and it causes me to concentrate more on the details of my dreams from the moment I awaken. It's not always easy to put the fragments back together and solidify them with some sort of visual, but I try to relay what I can recall without interpretation. What the reader misses, however, are the influences that cause certain things to pop up in dreams, for instance, when I find myself reliving events I learned about in a documentary I watched the night before, or perhaps my sub-conscious is working through a conversation I had. It's a mystery to me most times too!

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