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True 3D Without the Cheesy Cardboard Glasses

LightSpace Technologies has formally introduced the world's first solid-state volumetric 3D display, a concept they've been developing since 1996. It's called the DepthCube z1024 3D Display System, a front-viewed display with Cartesian display geometry with an image volume of 15.7″ x 11.8″ x 4.0″. Sending 1,000 image slices per second, the whole display volume is refreshed 50 times a second and can support 3-D video at up to 20 fps with a 90° field of view with full motion parallax in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Its display stacks 20 different thin screens in front of one another, and —takes turns rapidly flashing an image on each one, smoothly building out the whole 3-D image.

You can forget those cheesy cardboard glasses. It doesn't require any special headgear either. The images can be viewed by multiple viewers simultaneously. It operates on any PC compatible computer running Windows 2K or XP. It requires a 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 with NVIDIA GeForce graphics card, and 256 MB RAM. Right now, the unit sells for aproximately $50,000 but LightSpace aims to get the price down to $5,000 for consumers in the next few years.

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