The real reason censorship should be rejected by any thinking creature is that given time, all censorship becomes easily lampoonable. The site Taboo Tunes (VMNSFW, very moderately not safe for work, aka your boss would have to be a far-right-wing republican censor like Bush, or a far-left-wing democrat censor like Gore to be bothered by it) covers the situation in a quick and easy to absorb manner befitting the 60 second attention span of the electorate. Make sure you check out the Gallery of the Forbidden for the maximum data to time efficiency required to get the point about the long term value of any censorship.
BTW, you still cannot buy a Hustler in Cincinnati, and yes Larry Flint was gunned down in broad daylight on courthouse steps surrounded by “Police Officers” who were entirely incapable of determining the location of the shooter.
Welcome to my line of Ranting Posts of Interests 🙂