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The RIAA – "We Suck AGAIN"

Here's a must read blog for ya. It's devoted to the RIAA's lawsuits of intimidation brought against ordinary working people. Boy, did the RIAA mess up royally. This time, they are suing a home health aide who has never bought, used or even turned on a computer in her life. The post links to a legal document from her attourney that kinda made me laugh.
Here's another interesting lawsuit in which the RIAA gets egg on their face, but this time it's closer to home. A couple from Port Huron, Michigan battle it out with the plaintiff who “refused to accept the truth and instead launched a counterattack accusing both Mr. Nelson and/or his attorney of a criminal conspiracy.” Sound like a sore loser to you too?
The blog also lists upcoming trials and an index of litigation documents.
Other links of interest:
Courtney Love Does the Math
RIAA Radar
Downhill Battle

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