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The DAMNED II Masquerade Ball

Michael and I attended the second night of DAMNED II, which was a formal attire masquerade ball held on on Devil’s Night. This was the second year of the exhibit and I was proud to have some of my work selected and displayed. We took pictures but only a few came out, so until I find more posted by friends at the event, this is all I have to share. They are already planning next years event, so if you are a dark artist or have some controversial/macabre pieces to submit, mark your calendars and bookmark this page.

The main gallery, with the shop located on the right.

The opening there on the left lead to the performance stage, seating, and a bar.

I’m standing next to one of my prints, Alive.

I’m standing beside a spectacular sculpture, though I’ve forgotten the artist’s name. Anyone?

Michael in his gorgeous costume and cape, standing next to the other sculpture by the same artist. Incredible stuff.

Another view of the show from the balcony while the lights were dimmed during a hauntingly magnificent violin performance.

Michael shot this as I was ascending the stairs to the VIP room.

Mask mandatory, so here I am in full costume.

We may not be able to attend every year, but there was a surprisingly huge turn out this time around and we had a splendid evening. You’ll be hard-pressed to find anything else as upscale and entertaining to do on Devil’s Night in the Detroit area. Many thanks to fellow artist, DVS (Dark Vision Studio) for encouraging me to submit. Without his hard work, the show would not have been the great success that it was.

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