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The Big Controversy Over a Pathetic Little Loser

I want to say a word or two about the recent controversy surrounding two of the most commented articles here at SDID:
Andrew Tower is a lying lizard
Andrew Tower is a lying lizard Update!
I hate to even draw more attention to these posts because they involve events that took place years ago and therefore, I no longer find them relevant, at least not to my own life and I can assume that would apply to the majority of my current visitors as well. Secondly, they are about someone I've never met and hope to keep it that way. Lastly, the language in the articles is a bit harsh, and although I was not the one who wrote them, I can understand why the author (my husband) was so irate because I feel the same sense of outrage whenever I hear about assholes like this guy taking advantage of naive women. Over the years, these two articles have received numerous comments from all sides — several women he has lied to and betrayed, his wife, someone who's apparently spying on him, his friends, and even his son, all of whom are strangers to me. The only reason I am writing today is to clear up some misunderstandings.
Last night, multiple recent posts on this blog were spammed with the same comment over and over again. I've deleted them all this morning (guaranteed, it takes less time for me to delete your silly spam than it did for you to post it) but here it is in all of its grammatically incorrect glory:
“Stacy is the loser for hosting the Andrew Raymond Tower blog (Google it, you'll find it). The sad story of the son of a Vietnam Vet of which she has edited out so that her pitiful friends can rag on with their relatively trivial issues with him.”
Oh, the many ways in which this comment is wrong. My inner-smartass NEEDS to pick this apart piece by dreadful piece.
First of all, I do not host an Andrew Raymond Tower blog. This particular blog you are visiting is about art, science, the Internet, media, and occasionally both my husband and I rant against injustice. The comment did give me a good idea though… maybe I should have an entire blog dedicated to this loser. That way, I don't have to host this sad sad story on my normally upbeat and positive site. I could probably make a mint on advertisements! Definitely something to think about, but I digress. So yeah, the back-story here is that a few years ago, my husband ranted about this creep who tried to dupe my sister because she was heartbroken and hurt by his lies and complete lack of spine. Then, as the story continued to unfold, I encouraged him to post an update because this jerk's lies were so ridiculous, we felt he really needed to be called out on them.
Yes, when you Google his name, you get these blog posts in the top results… I can't help the fact that the articles have brought his victims out of the woodwork. Our intention was to make it known that this jerk exists in the area and that local women should heed a serious warning so that what happened to my sister doesn't happen to them as well. The more people comment, the more commotion it causes, the more hits these articles get and thus it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. My advice to Andrew is to stop posting (we know it's you because you type like an idiot) altogether and change your ways so people stop LOOKING FOR DIRT ON YOU.
And then there's the sad story of being a son of a Vietnam Vet… give me a fucking break. This remark refers to a long apologists' comment I recently deleted because it made no sense, but the gist of which implied that we should all feel sorry for Andrew because his father was a vet who came home and found out his mom was shacked up with someone else and this is why he treats women like dog shit once he gets in their pants. Cry me a river. We have all had hardships in our lives, it doesn't give anyone an excuse to prey on innocent people. Each and every person in society has had to deal with painful situations in some way or another, be it physical/emotional/substance abuse, abandonment, sickness, dysfunctional family members, etc… and yet, the majority of us find a way to conquer all that and learn to love, openly and honestly. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is for people to make excuses for their shit by blaming it on someone else. Grow up. Take responsibility for your own actions. Might I add that I have had to delete many incoherent comments left by an anonymous coward who likes to point out how it's all the stupid females' fault for believing him. Typical blame-the-victim crap.
As for the “pitiful friends” who posted comments on the articles, I don't know a single one of them. They are all seemingly related to Andrew in some way or another. As far as calling these people pitiful, Merriam Webster defines the word as 1.archaic : full of pity : compassionate / 2 a: deserving or arousing pity or commiseration b: exciting pitying contempt (as by meanness or inadequacy). Do I pity the women who have had the displeasure of having been involved with this lying sack of excrement? Yes, I do. Do I pity his wife, who believes his lies, despite the fact that she has been confronted with the truth of his numerous affairs on more than one occasion? Yes, I do (to some degree). Do I pity the children who will never know their father? Yes, I do. Do I pity the women who will never see a single cent in child support? Of course I do! So yes, the word pitiful definitely applies here, but these are not my friends, they are his.
And finally, about the term “trivial issues”… I have a big beef with that. Trivial issues are things like using the last of the milk and forgetting to write it on the shopping list or leaving the toilet seat up. The issues discussed in the rants and their subsequent comments are not in the least trivial to the people who are involved, and the fact that you even dare to say so goes to prove that you lack any compassion at all. The reason people keep searching your name, Andrew, is because what you are doing to these women's lives seriously affects them and their children. What I can tell by reading these comments is that these women open their hearts to you looking for love, some consider settling down and making a life with you and you take advantage of them. Then they start to notice your stories don't match up. They start to ask themselves how well they really know you and that's when they Google your name and find these old blog posts. What you're so pissed off about, is how once they find out you are a liar, a thief, a cheater, a bail-jumping fraud, and a dead-beat dad, they want nothing more to do with you. Your game is over. They end up hurt, some crushed, some just thankful to have avoided your drama. Some of them have commented about how hard it is to trust men again. You call this trivial! I'm offended, “Anonymous” commenter. I truly am.
Before closing, I'd like to address Andrew's wife, who has come to his defense in the comments and asks, “Don't you think you have trashed him enough?” For the record, I don't consider what was written “trashing”, I consider it a public service announcement. Besides, I'd like to note that the really condemning evidence has been written by the people who know him far better than I. Women have thanked us both in email and on the blog for posting this information because it saved them from getting involved with and ultimately hurt by this man child. I can't understand why you put up with it, but I haven't walked a mile in your shoes, so I'm not going to judge. I just want to let you know that there are people who can help you. Know that there is space for you and your children at the YWCA where they can help you get on your feet as you regain your independence.
As a feminist, as a taxpaying citizen of Flint, as a sister and friend, as a mother, as a wife and companion, hell, as a human being, I find your actions deplorable, Andrew Raymond Tower. So no matter how many times you and your cronies decide to spam my blog, or resort to calling my husband and I names, or otherwise threaten and harrass us, I will NOT pull these articles. If that makes me a “loser” in your book, so be it. The feeling is mutual. Do yourself and everyone else in your immediate circle a favor and clean up your act. Start out by visiting a good shrink. Talk about your veteran dad and your mommy issues. Make some real friends who you can form honest and open relationships with. 'Fess up to your failures rather than childishly attack the people who point them out. Take an English class so you can learn how to communicate without looking like a complete tard. Get a job and send money to yobabymammas. Be a man and be faithful to your wife who obviously loves you despite all the hurt you have caused her and her children. When people stop coming here and telling me how happy they are to have found this warning because you've been running the same crap on them, then I will consider removing the articles once and for all. Seriously, I'd love to. I can't believe there's been so much drama and controversy over the actions of one pathetic loser.
Until then, it's my opinion that you should continue to reap what your inexcusable behavior toward women has sown.

5 thoughts on “The Big Controversy Over a Pathetic Little Loser

  1. I'm not one of Andrew's cronies. I came across your blog because I was curious about how things turned out for him. I knew him as a child and young adult. I noticed there have been a few compassionate postings about him here that have come and quickly gone. Those compassionate postings seem to be from people who know another side of him.
    A lot of his his negative behavior no doubt originated from his horrendous childhood experience. I knew he was turning into quite the fibber early on in grade school. Living with a step dad who essentially ignored him or treated him like crap, he tried anything he could in an attempt to gain acceptance from anyone he could. You see a lot of that in gang member behavior. I don't know of Andrew killing or seriously screwing up someone as many gang members do. A jilted love affair baed on falsehoods IS trivial compared to years of abuse and neglect.
    I am by no beans a personal advocate for Andrew or the behavior you describe. However, I must note that if his negative behavior is brought on by a poor self esteem, you are only adding to it and perpetuating the cycle with the blogs. Congratulations on its popularity. However, I don't think EVERYONE has read it. Have you thought of billboards?
    Your casual referral to his dad being a vet and how you should be “crying a river” is at least as insensitive as you make him out to be. The whole reason for me trying to find out whatever happened to him is my concern over what happens to veterens' families when their lives are torn apartb by the experience of war. If you want to see people crying rivers, just go to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. and you will find a parade of people every day who are crying rivers. You will also find this is being repeated in thousands of families exposed to the middle east wars now.
    Andrew is only one case of hundreds I have become familiar with. If you'd like, I can send you their stories as well and you can post what “assholes” they are. Or, you could be a little more compassionate and address inappropriate behavior and how to avoid being victimized by it. There are literally thousands of people with similar experiences with a wide range of responses. Andrew's response is really quite mild in comparison to most. In light of that, I agree that your stories of jilted love affairs do seem a bit trivial.
    Good point about being responsible for one's own behavior. That includes Andrew, the women who try to turn him into their own pathetic answer, me, and YOU. Andrew may not give a rats ass about a lot of things, and people who try to compartmentalize their own problems by villifying him aren't not really helping anyone. “I am not a foolish and desperate person, it's Andrew's fault” is not the answer.

  2. I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it.
    I had a horrendous childhood too. I don't choose to publicize the physical/emotional abuse, the abandonment, the mental illness that all pretty much define the relationship I had with both birth and step parents. I came from a poor family, had to work at an early age… the odds were stacked against me in many ways, and yet I was able to overcome all that and not let it define who I am. I do not let the abuse continue. That is a conscious decision we all must make for ourselves. If he does not have the willpower to control his hurtful actions, then he needs to see a shrink.
    I'm not trying to belittle the fact that his father was vet. My husband is a veteran as well as both of my grandfathers. I respect the people who fight for our country, so don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that blaming his bullshit on that fact alone is a cop-out and he should be held responsible, not his father, or stepfather or mother or anyone else. Shit happens in life. Get over it. Obviously, he can't. This is not just one jilted love affair, as you implied… this is habitual, and people are getting hurt. I believe it's deeper than a habit, it's a sickness, it's the behavior of a sociopath. Am I insensitive to his issues? Damn right, just about insensitive as he is to the women he screws over. He vilified himself.
    Let me just clarify… the posts are not exactly the most popular, they are just the most commented upon.

  3. Someone call the WAHHHHHHBULANCE!
    Based on your attempt at reasoning and logic, I should be legally allowed to pick and kill random targets every six months for the rest of my life. My father did not live with me, my stepfather was a complete joke, my family had useless drifters who died horrible deaths or losers who decided that being a crook was a career path. I grew up in Flint Michigan for the love of the gods. The difference is that I GREW UP, I take responsibility for MY actions and no one has to make excuses for me. I have committed no criminal acts and rather than be a user of other humans I served my country and have worked my entire life.
    People who use their backgrounds as excuses for acting like subhumans get no sympathy here. Comments blocked, keep your drama for your momma

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