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The best women in the world care about me

Light Saber
Do we have to say anything other than Sya is the best wife in the history of marriage, and my mother and her win the best team award. Everyone should be lucky enough to have the people who love them buy them things they want but cannot bring themselves to purchase. You can see me having a bit of fun with my Force FX lightsaber here. If you can ignore Ewoks and the Prequels and still love Star Wars as I do, then you should check out Master Replicas . I present them both with the “Thanks for the Phat X-mas l00t” award!

2 thoughts on “The best women in the world care about me

  1. That is one of the most touching things I have seen on the internet. It seems to be so rare, or so hidden, these days – a man who praises his wife, who believes in women, and who has a light sabre to prove it.

  2. I must say that my love for my wife is only a reflection of the love that she shows me. She is my best friend and that makes it easy to love her even when we argue.

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