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The Art of Willard Wigan

The sculptures of Willard Wigan might be overlooked, not because they are insignificant, but because they are so miniscule most can fit within the eye of a needle. These intricate sculptures, measured in thousandths of an inch, can be viewed through microscopes with a magnification of x100. They are painstakingly fashioned from gold, specs of dust, precious gems, droplets of glue and paint along with numerous other materials including eyelashes and spiders webbing. His work has been described as “The eighth wonder of the world.”

Quotes from the site:
“Willard, who is completely self-taught has baffled medical science and been the subject of discussions among micro-surgeons, nano-technologists and at universities worldwide. His work is ground-breaking – partly because of the astounding beauty of vision which challenges the belief system of the mind and partly because it demonstrates that if one person can create the impossible, we all have the potential to transcend our own limiting beliefs about what we are capable of.”
“He works in total solitude at a quiet retreat in Jersey mainly at night when there is a greater sense of peace in the world and less static electricity to interfere with the immeasurable precision and tolerances required to create the pieces.”
“When working on this scale he slows his heartbeat and his breathing dramatically through meditation and attempts to harmonise his mind, body and soul with the Creator. He then sculpts or paints at the centrepoint between heartbeats for total stillness of hand. He likens this process to “trying to pass a pin through a bubble without bursting it.” His concentration is intense when working like this and he feels mentally and physically drained at the end of it.”

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