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Tag: Atheism

Would Striking Clichés Make Christians More Tolerable?

Author Christian Piatt believes that Christians would be more tolerable if they would strike certain clichés from their vocabulary. Included in his list of 10 phrases they should stop repeating: Everything happens for a reason. If you died today, do you know where you’d spend the rest of eternity? He/she is in a better place. Can I share a littleContinue readingWould Striking Clichés Make Christians More Tolerable?

Faith Healing Parents Watch Their Child Die…

…but won’t be getting jail time for it – via The Friendly Atheist Truly appalling. Another case where faith-healing prayer failed a child where medicine could have saved its life. Doesn’t it seem as though (if he existed) God would use instances like these to prove his miraculous power? If mountains can be moved with a little faith, just theContinue readingFaith Healing Parents Watch Their Child Die…

Search for truth leads to rejection of religion

“Through my religious studies, I came to know the truth, and the truth set me free.” – Joshua Everett: Search for truth leads to rejection of religion I found myself identifying with this gentleman, especially when he talks about his search for truth. “I served as a minister in various volunteer and staff positions for several years before and afterContinue readingSearch for truth leads to rejection of religion

Florida Senate Passes Student-Led Prayer Bill

via The Christian Post From the page: The Florida Senate passed a bill on Wednesday allowing student-led prayer or other inspirational messages at public school events, drawing mixed reaction from residents… …”This legislation could give schools free reign to make students feel like outsiders in the classroom, alienated from their peers, or compelled by peer pressure to engage in religiousContinue readingFlorida Senate Passes Student-Led Prayer Bill

Winter Solstice Sign Comes to Mississippi State Capitol

From the page: “We don’t think religion, or irreligion, belongs in state capitols. But if a state is going to permit a nativity display, then we want to be sure that the views of the 16 percent of the U.S. population that is not religious are also represented.” – Annie Laurie Gaylor, Co-President of Freedom From Religion Foundation

Catholics encouraged to “Adopt an Atheist”

“Adopt an Atheist” Campaign Begins From the page: “We are asking everyone to contact the American Atheist affiliate in his area [click here], letting them know of your interest in “adopting” one of them. All it takes is an e-mail. Let them know of your sincere interest in working with them to uncover their inner self. They may be resistantContinue readingCatholics encouraged to “Adopt an Atheist”

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