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Search for truth leads to rejection of religion

“Through my religious studies, I came to know the truth, and the truth set me free.” – Joshua Everett: Search for truth leads to rejection of religion

I found myself identifying with this gentleman, especially when he talks about his search for truth.

“I served as a minister in various volunteer and staff positions for several years before and after my ordination, including significant amounts of mission work in Central America. Throughout the majority of these years, I never questioned my beliefs whatsoever. In fact, I loved church the whole time I was involved, and always remember my experiences fondly.

My decision was not about the comfort and community offered by religion; I simply chose to follow the facts wherever they would lead me. I was encouraged in this task by several verses from the Bible that encourage searching for the truth (John 8:32, Ephesians 4:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:21).”

Then he closes with this, and it really hit home: “The passion for ethics and truth that lead us into our occupations as clergy also lead us out of religion. When I became a minister, I committed to the truth wherever that might lead. Through my religious studies, I came to know the truth, and the truth set me free.”

My sincere thanks for speaking up, Mr. Joshua Everett, ordained minister, atheist and truth-seeker.

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