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I usually don't post more than once in one day, but I just couldn't help it when I came upon this site. MyProgs is a great new site for software enthusiasts, like me. Here is the description, taken from their site:
About MyProgs

This site allows you to keep a social list of the programs you use. After you sign up you can add programs to your unique list. You can view anyone else's programs and they can view yours.

Extra user-defined data can be added to each program entry to organize and describe the program further such as program descriptions, a link to the program's homepage, and tags. You can use tags to categorize (and thus organize) programs so that you and others using this site will have an easier time finding new and interesting programs.

So why would you use this site?
* If your computer ever crashes or you switch to a new computer you will have this handy little list to remind you of which programs you had.
* You can easily find new and interesting programs through user-defined categories, searches, and popularity among users.
* You can keep track of your friend's or coworker's programs through RSS feeds.
* You can advertise that cool new program you just made.
* All programs are submitted by regular people like yourself which means that most programs have been tested and found to be useful.

Lots of potential here… so check it out and become a member. The more people who join, the better the service will work!

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