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Microsoft Greedy?

Microsoft takes on the free world and 101 patents Microsoft may infringe.

MS needs to start making some serious changes in the way that they build, promote, sell, and update their software. Maybe it's time to reconstruct our IP laws in this country. That's all I'm going to say about that, though. I'd much rather discuss the crazy look on Steve Ballmer's face in the CNN article. It's like he's saying “Yo yo yo! They be stealin our codes!” Maybe we should have a contest to see who can come up with the best quote for that pic. What you got? Sock it to me!
P.S. I am a self-proclaimed master of blurb blogging. Heh. My new sniglet… Blurgging: the act of blogging many short articles, usually less than a paragraph of text, and usually void of much feedback, input or thought provoking anecdotes from the author regarding the subject or collection of data presented.
I'm going to have to make a tagline.

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