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I’m So Dizzy (head spinning yeah yeah like a whirlwind blah blah oh and zombies too)

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Thought that was cool.
Also in the WTF department, there's this:

So it's official. I've been influenced by too many zombie movies. I had the weirdest dream last night. My sister and I were at a resort vacationing. The next morning, we were all packed to leave and decided to take one last look at the ocean. To our surprise, there were the gray, flesh-rotting corpses of the people who had been suntanning the day before, all lined up and down the beach on their towels. We were just saying “we better call the authorities,” and I was about to add “and get the hell out of here!” when the first of the bodies started to rise from it's bed of towel and sand. There was something in the water that reacted with a rare virus and so forth… we narrowly escape… exported to a quarantined city somewhere in Europe without luggage or ID, when finally, isolated in a hotel elevator, I look down at my hand and notice the scratch marks.
I'm ashamed of my dream-state-self these days. How very unimaginative.

2 thoughts on “I’m So Dizzy (head spinning yeah yeah like a whirlwind blah blah oh and zombies too)

  1. remember when we were kids and we had that record of the song dizzy? and we used to play it really fast, then play it really slow… heehee

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