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Is anyone else as offended by hotlinking as I am? 

I have a couple problems with it, so let me rant for just a moment, if I may.

With Blogware, I can see the URL's that are referrers to my site. 
I get a lot of hits from my Deviant Art account, and I get a lot of
Yahoo and Google hits too so I'm not complaining about that.  What
really bothers me are the amount of hotlinking teenagers running blogs
out there who don't have a clue.   Who is teaching these kids
how to use the internet?  That's what I want to know!

Blogware is really cool, but I could not figure out how to stop all the
hotlinking Xanga users.  I tried reasoning with them.  I
tried swapping the image out, I tried deleting the image and uploading
it as a different file, but alas, a simple Google search for “Death”
and my image, “Death is and Angel” happens to be  among the
returned found images, and suddenly, every gothy, angsty, pret-teen
with a blog has the new image up as their background.

Really, I'm flattered that so many people like that piece.  But I
would prefer it if they would at least download the image and host it
on their own web space rather than hotlink to the image on the Blogware
server.  Or give me a link back, or credit of some sort.  And
it's not like I'm asking for much.  All of my images, stock,
screensavers, wallpapers, fractal flame packs, gradients, tutorials,
etc are always free, and always high res.  I even donate images to
new bands for their first CD's free of charge.  All they have to
do is ask.  But they don't.

So I've decided to create an area called Special Content that will be
set aside for the elite few who care to be registered readers of my
blog.  All you have to do is have a Blogware account and then I
can add you.  (Registering is free, quick,  and painless).
There will be exclusive releases added there, including new images,
flame packs, fractal stock, links to interesting internet finds, 
and perhaps the ability to post your own images with admin
rights.  It's my little way of making things more personal, more
interactive, and more interesting around here.    I'd
really like you to consider signing up because I've got a lot of ideas
and I'd love a little company.

 I'm also going to be doing some exclusive work with the people at Neosynthesis. If
you want to see some excellent artists presented in a great little
forum, check them out.  Big things are happening, a site redesign,
new members, and a new Chronicle is also in the works.

Be excellent to each other!

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