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Homeschooling: A Growing Option in American Education

From the page: “Families cite common reasons for choosing to homeschool their children, such as concern about the environment at other schools, dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at other schools, and a preference for providing religious and moral instruction not provided in traditional schools.”

My thoughts on homeschooling have changed considerably since my kids were younger. Perhaps parents can offer their grade school children a decent education, but not for higher levels, where a student should have the full benefits of learning under multiple educators who have, in many cases, devoted years and years to developing curriculum. They have the expertise that parents just cannot match unless they are willing to obtain a teaching degree. Parents should be teaching the children morality – that’s called PARENTING – and leave the education of facts and skills to those we call EDUCATORS.

I also fear for our country, when these homeschooling indoctrinated parents fail to include science and evolution in their curriculum due to their own religious beliefs. They are robbing their children of a proper education.

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