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Genuine Advantage, My Ass!!

Ok, so is anyone else as fed up with Microsoft's Genuine Advantage as I am? I fail to see how this is an “Advantage” to anyone besides Microsoft. One of the reasons I decided to go with Linux at home is because MS is pissing me off with it's high and mighty Genuine Advantage crap. (Also, I completely agree with my husbands reasons for hating Microsoft. ) It affects me on the job, wastes my time, and therefore has become nothing but a Genuine Annoyance.

Here's the deal, I understand the people at Microsoft need to make sure everyone has legal copies of their operating system, but the process is a time consuming hassle for people like me who happen to have a registered version of the OS. To be put through the rigmarole every time I need to update a file from them is truly absurd.

For instance, let me relate what happens when I go to to download files like MDAC, Media Player, drivers or in this case, DirectX updates.
I'm at work. I start reviewing this game that has been submitted to Tucows by its author. We review and rate each program to decide if it should go up on our site. Well, this one in particular has been rejected before due to an error, so the author leaves a note with his submission that states, “The error you received last time is because you did not have DirectX version 9 installed. Please make sure it is installed before you try to review our game again.”
Hogwash. I don't know which team member reviewed this game before, but I happen to know for a fact that everyone on the reviewing team keeps their machine updated, including DirectX files.

But, just to humor the author, I go to Microsoft's site to make sure I have the latest version of DirectX installed before I reject this application again.
I find the download page at pretty quickly, and right at the top it says, “validation required” with a button that says “Continue”
I click continue.

A message appears stating that I must validate my copy of Windows before obtaining the requested download blah blah blah ….yes yes… on with it already… another continue button… *click*

Another message. “Thank you for choosing to validate your Windows installation. Please complete the short validation process blah blah blah…” I didn't have a choice did I? I don't WANT to validate this stupid thing. I just want one little file! GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY!!!
“1. Run the validation tool. Click Continue to launch the validation tool…yadda yadda yadda…” There is a link to the Genuine Advantage program FAQ and yet another continue button. *Click*

The program downloads; I click on the shortcut to open it. There is my validation code. I copy the code.

“2. Enter your validation code…. then click Validate.”

I paste my code and click said button. A new page opens.

“Thank you for using genuine Windows. Please click Download to get the download.” (DUH!!!) The estimated download time for this 10KB file? Well, evidently, MS assumes I am on dialup with a phone cord that's wrapped around my office building 500 times because they estimate it will take 3 hours and 19 minutes. What are they smoking?

Of course, HERE is where MS decides to give me an overview of the DirectX runtime, what it does, system requirements, and instructions on how to download… OMG. Isn't this a little backwards? ANYWAY… *click*

A new page opens with “Thank you for Downloading DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime.”

Instructions follow on how to download. Again.

“Thank you for using genuine Microsoft software”. Again.

“Related Resources…” (A list of links that I don't have any interest in)

“What Others Are Downloading… “(Another list of links I don't have any interest in.)

“Additional information…” this tells me that DirectX 9.0c runtime cannot be uninstalled. Much like IE in that aspect, I suppose… next… I run the app…. and wait while it proceeds to download components. Then wait some more as it installs those components.

The funny thing is, I already have DirectX9.0c installed on my machine, but somehow, MS has failed to create an installer that detects this, and I have to follow this procedure through.

Well, that game I'm reviewing gives me another error, so now I know it's not because of the lack of DirectX 9.0 as the author claims so I reject it. Again. No biggie.

So while writing this, I decide to try this procedure again, hoping that MS might be smart enough to remember that I have already followed their Genuine Advantage procedures and would not make me go through the whole thing again.

Hah. That's out of the question. It doesn't matter that I JUST went through the process of validating Windows, or that I JUST installed DirectX 9.0c… it makes me do it all again. I was only curious if it would remember my IP and know that I already validated my copy of Windows only moments before. No such luck.
Yes, my friends. I guess I could just quietly accept this as part of my job but I really feel this is the last straw. I have to run Windows at work, but not at home. I won't be buying Longhorn. I'm saying goodbye to Windows. My art will change, but only slightly because there's always the Gimp. At work, I'll continue to review software that messes with Windows and forces me to reimage my drive every week or two. Before I started using Powerquest Drive Image (which I can't imagine living without) I had to call Microsoft every time I reformatted to validate my registration code on the phone. That was hassle enough, but at least I only had to do that once every few months. But now this?

Microsoft, you can take your Genuine Advantage and stick it where the sun don’t shine. I have a legitimate copy of your software, yet I’m treated like a pirate every time I try to update or download from your site? Why?

Fedora, here I come.

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