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Frozen Peanut Butter Pie

I made a couple of these pies to bring to a friend's birthday party this weekend. The recipe came from my Grandma Luxton, who may have got it out of a magazine or something back in the day, but I hear it’s a southern heritage thing… It's super easy — no cooking or baking — and the pies disappear rather quickly when I take them to picnics or potlucks!
You'll Need:
2 ready-made graham cracker or Oreo pie crusts
1 cup sugar
1 cup creamy peanut butter
6 oz. cream cheese
16 oz. tub of Cool Whip
1. With a beater, mix the sugar and peanut butter in a large mixing bowl.
2. Beat in cream cheese.
3. Beat in the whipped cream.
4. Smooth mixture into pie crusts and freeze.
5. Serve frozen

I usually make the pies a day in advance so they have plenty of time to chill. Right before serving, drizzle some chocolate syrup over the pies or add some chocolate shavings. There are many variations of this recipe floating around out there, but this one is the easiest one I've found to make. Some recipes call for chunky peanut butter, some call for sweetened condensed milk. I didn't think to take pictures of the pies before we ate them, so the image of the pie above came from

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