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Freeware Review – Kolorgenerator

Kolorgenerator is a feature-packed tool that can be useful for programmers, webmasters, and designers who frequently need a color picking tool. Kolorgenerator works as a stand alone exe that does not need to be installed, though the author also offers an install set which includes the help files for those who would like to read them.

It's easily one of the best color-picking tools I've ever used! Here is a list of just some of the program's features:
*Users can choose color from RGB palette, WEB SAFE colors palette, or pick a color from any point of the desktop window.
*The program offers 8 degrees of magnification.
*Users can create a path between two selected colors, for instance, creating a path from selected color to black and white can be especially useful for creating schemes for CSS styles.
*Copy, or swap colors between buffers.
*Automatically generate a contrasting color to the one you have selected.
*Users can export color palettes to a few popular formats, including ACT – color table, PAL – Microsoft palette file, ACO – Photoshop swatches, GPL – GIMP palette file.
*Users can also import color palettes from ACT and PAL files.
*Available data formats: HTML, RGB, MS VC++, MS VB, CMYK, JAVA, PASCAL, HSV/B
*Generate random colors
*Hotkey functionality
*Built in tool tips on mouse over.

You can find the download on the authors website here: link
If you enjoy using this piece of freeware, please send the author a note to thank him for providing this excellent piece of software free of charge.

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